What is Be Your Best?
Download our flyer to discover the benefits of the fully funded and local Be Your Best programme, which include:
Be Your Best is an ongoing programme that takes place throughout the year, so a family can start when the time is right for them.
Who is Be Your Best for in Surrey?
Families are eligible if:
- They have a child aged 5-17 years ✅
- Who is on or above the 91st centile for BMI ✅
- Who lives, goes to a school or is registered with a GP in Surrey ✅
Priority is given to:
- Families living in the 21 key neighbourhoods
- Children with a special educational need or disability
- Children with a long-term condition
- Children who are receiving Early Help, Targeted Help or Specialist support in Surrey
- Children of families on low income (low income is classed as living on less than 60% of median net disposable income in UK)
- Families who are not from the priority groups may receive a universal (digital) offer, rather than access to the full targeted programme.
Please note - despite meeting the above criteria, the following families may be excluded from the programme:
- Children with an underlying medical cause for obesity who would benefit from more intensive clinical management
- Children with more complex needs will be considered on a case-by-case basis
For children aged 5–11 (in primary school), the 12-week Be Your Best Juniors programme includes:
For children aged 11-17 (in secondary school and beyond), the 12-week Be Your Best Teens programme includes:
Worried about starting conversations about weight?
Register to attend free ‘raising the issue of weight training’.
Ready to refer a family?
Making a referral is easy.
Step one: We recommend you watch this short video before speaking to any family about the programme.
Step two: You then fill in this simple form or a family can refer themselves.
Step three: Then we take care of the rest!
- We will follow up with the family
- Confirm their eligibility
- Then allocate them with a health & wellbeing advisor who will support them through the programme
"Another mum stopped me on the school run and said how much happier my son was looking, she noticed he was walking with his head up, when before he always walked with his head down." Mum
“We have such a laugh doing the Family Fit sessions together, please can we carry on attending even though the group sessions have finished? … it gets my daughter moving in a fun way without her really realising.” Mum