Frequently asked questions

You’ve got questions. We get that. Hopefully the other pages on this site can give you answers but if not you can always check out the questions below.

General questions on Be Your Best

It’s all free provided your child falls into one of the eligible groups.

While the full Be Your Best programme is targeted at those families who need help the most, our aim is to help as many families as we possibly can. It's always best to contact us and we'll provide as much support as we can to help you make the changes that you want.


If you’re accepted onto the programme, you are expected to take part in 12 engagements including six one-to-one sessions with a heath & wellbeing advisor, a variety of online sessions including group sessions, a cooking workshop and online physical activity sessions. The programme will take approximately 12 weeks plus two follow ups at 6 months and 12 months.

To be part of Be Your Best you need to commit to attending all sessions. We find that the more sessions families commit too, the more they get out of the programme.

We’ll arrange two follow-up home appointments to see how you are doing and if you have any further questions. The appointments will happen at 6 and 12 months after the date of your first one-to-one consultation.

Group / parent events

They’re a chance for parents accepted onto the full targeted programme to learn practical tips, ask questions and find ways of breaking old habits which will have a big impact on family health. Group sessions take place online. Check out the activities and topics we're covering on our BYB Parents’ Events page.

The main sessions are mainly designed for parents whose children have been accepted into the full Be Your Best programme but other families can sometimes join in so please give us a ring.

For our Juniors programme, There will also be a 30-minutes children activity session after each parent session. They are designed to get the children active, while having fun and learning about being healthy.

On wednesdays the whole family can join in with Family FIT sessions and take part in fun games and exercises. For our teens, we offer on-demand video content instead.

The group sessions take place in 6-week intervals on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4 - 5.30pm. We will enrol you onto the next available group of sessions. Families can pick whichever day is suitable for them.

Apart from a lot of handy tips each family will receive goodies such as wearable step tracker, water bottle, exclusive recipes, meal planner, activity bag and lots more!

The more sessions you attend the more goodies you and your family will receive!


It depends on how many other children we already have booked in, and how old your children are. Please call us to discuss as we have to ensure that the activities are suitable for your other children.

Parents are strongly encouraged to join in on the sessions. However, if you are unable to or do not want to join in, we still require you to supervise your child/ren while they take part in the children activity sessions.

Provided they meet the criteria, any child or teenager aged between 5 -17 can join Be Your Best.

Information for Healthcare Professionals

Simply complete the BYB Referral Form and we'll take it from there. If you have any questions then please read through our Resources for Professionals page or please contact us.